Dates To Be Remember : Early Bird Registration: 06th-January-2022 | Abstract Submission: 12th-January-2022 | Full Paper Submission: 17th-January-2022 | Registration Deadline: 22nd-January-2022


2 nd International Conference on the Emerging Technologies in Computing (ICETC - 2022) will assist as an extraordinary program for participants who are engaged in educational research from a multidisciplinary perspective, to communicate and spread awareness about their novel concepts and innovative investigative research findings/outcomes to an global audience comprised of prominent researchers, policymakers, educators, and bureaucrats. This remarkable colloquium will furthermore allow delegates to interlace and associate with foreign speakers and globally recognized specialists. Delegates will obtain the opportunity to interact with concourse directors from their favorite sessions and possibly obtain collaborative opportunities to undertake research in related areas.

In order to help them develop their research findings/outcomes/conclusions further, students will be able to obtain the expert supervision of lecturers who will be present at the event. They can publish their investigative conclusions in prominent research magazines of high standing amongst global research communities. The publications partnering this high-level conference are recognized in academic circles worldwide and widely considered to be some of the best journals ever.

The most promising research papers, presentations, and abstracts presented at the 2nd International Conference on the Emerging Technologies in Computing (ICETC - 2022) will obtain the opportunity to be featured in partnering journals/publications, thus conferring an excellent platform for all those involved in educational research, right from scholars and teachers to academicians, researchers, policymakers, and bureaucrats, to discover more about contemporary progressions and expertise being generated through educational research from a multidisciplinary perspective.